La page de Marianne Ranke-Cormier Un parcours politique eurocitoyen


NM English issue

Mrs Viviane Reding, imposing a choice on Euroland, or the great message of the "amis" in Brussels to UK - 18/02/2014 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

The member states of the Euro zone signalize more and more their sovereignty on the EU and European institutions, calling for greater political integration through the creation or the election of a special Euroland parliamentary chamber (cf Manifeste pour une union politique de l'euro)....

Italy, a coup by the representatives of the PD - 14/02/2014 - Newropeans Flash

This is not the choice of the people! Changing the head of the governement without any electoral process? Renzi and Letta are acting in the most anti-demcratic way. Important for them is the power, not the citizens... Berlusconi really rubbed off on the entire political class... Following the...

Italy, a coup by the representatives of the PD - 14/02/2014 - Newropeans Flash

This is not the choice of the people! Changing the head of the governement without any electoral process? Renzi and Letta are acting in the most anti-demcratic way. Important for them is the power, not the citizens... Berlusconi really rubbed off on the entire political class... Following the...

Traitors to democracy: Harms, Bütikofer, Cohn-Bendit (die Grünen) - 10/02/2014 - Marianne Ranke-Cormier

This weekend the election of Rebecca Harms as head of the German green list for the EP, in spite of the fact, that she lost the "green primaries" against Ska Keller, shows that any attempt to have a European Democracy in the framework of the current EU are being blocked by the national and European...

Traitors to democracy: Harms, Bütikofer, Cohn-Bendit (die Grünen) - 10/02/2014 - Newropeans Flash

This weekend the election of Rebecca Harms as head of the German green list for the EP, in spite of the fact, that she lost the "green primaries" against Ska Keller, shows that any attempt to have a European Democracy in the framework of the current EU are being blocked by the national and European...

"Banksters in Jail !" Urgent need for an International Court for Global Financial Crimes - 06/02/2014 - Christel HAHN

"Banksters in Jail !" They have done it: see Euronews: Iceland to charge ex-Kaupthing bank chief with fraud (26/03/2013). Iceland shows once more the way. When will Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Cypriot, justices ..., the European Court of Justice go the same way? Rather than bemoan their fate and throw stones against other Europeans who can not do anything either (see germanophobe ambient these days) the peoples of Europe should better worry about the state of their own justice to defend them, to claim the European Court of Justice to defend them, to give notice to their elected representatives in EP to defend their interests ... A must read on NM: Urgent need for an International Court for Global Financial Crimes by Christel Hahn published in July 2011.

Those who have interest to save Europe from the collapse understand now that its political heart is Euroland - 04/02/2014 - Newropeans Flash

These days various European politicians, eg Schaeuble, Moscovici, Sikorski, ..., have clearly taken position for Euroland running independently from Britain and the European Commission: Sikorski, foreign minister for Poland, talking about the "real" Europe; the MEPs involved in the investigation on...

Franziska (Ska) Keller and José Bové : finally a "team" at the head of a European list for the next EParliament elections . - 29/01/2014 - Newropeans Flash

The Greens activists elected on January 29th on a trans-European scale their heads of the list for the European elections in May 2014. We welcome them who have made ​​a first step in term of European democracy. They came to a sex-balanced, intergenerational (32 & 60), renovating (exit the old...

The EU must prepare itself from now on to a massive burst of unemployment for the 3 years to come - 06/01/2014 - Newropeans

Finally there is concern about this "crisis after crisis" that Europe knows today. "The threat indeed weighs on democracies across Europe, where several countries are experiencing a paradox: economic indicators give cause for optimism, but unemployment and poverty exhaust each day a little more...

Newropeans Programme for a European International Policy: influential not powerful (2-10-2008 Newropeans) - 01/07/2008 - Franck Biancheri archives

With this programme the Newropeans are the first political strength of the EU, which has democratically defined a concrete vision for the future European international policy and will present this vision to all 27 member states. Of course this future vision, just like the Newropeans project itself,...
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