Tags (125) : Russie
Poland, France, Germany call for Ukraine conference and urged Russia to take part.
03/31/2014 - Reuters
Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China
03/28/2014 - Zero Hedge
Europe scrambles to break gas dependence on Russia, offers Ukraine military tie
03/26/2014 - The Telegraph
TTIP: unser schlimmster Alptraum … Obamashton wollen ihn Realität werden lassen!
03/26/2014 - Newropeans-Magazine
TTIP: vous en avez cauchemardé... Obamashton sont sur le point de le faire!
03/26/2014 - Newropeans-Magazine
Pirelli, entra il colosso petrolifero russo Rosneft. E Clessidra esce dal gruppo
03/17/2014 - Il Fatto Quotidiano
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