NM English issue
Common European Defense – A dangerous project in the current situation of NATO dominance and no democratic control - 15/04/2015
Last week Willy Wimmer , former parliamentary secretary of defense under Kohl and vice-president of the parliamentary assembly of the OSCE (1994 - 2000), presented his latest book “Wiederkehr der Hasadeure ”[1] (Return of the Plungers) in the area of Lake Constance...
The state of public health: a cry of alarm - 08/04/2015 - Christel Hahn
By Christel Hahn, Newropeans Club Nucleus member, Physicist specialized in biophysics Europe and especially Germany has just witnessed one of the worst catastrophes of aviation, the crash of the Germanwings plane in the french Alps. The picture that is emerging is that the co-pilot of the plane was...
The state of public health: a cry of alarm - 08/04/2015 - Christel Hahn
By Christel Hahn, Newropeans Club Nucleus member: Physicist specialized in biophysics Europe and especially Germany has just witnessed one of the worst catastrophes of aviation, the crash of the Germanwings plane in the french Alps. The picture that is emerging is that the co-pilot of the plane was...
The state of public health: a cry of alarm - 08/04/2015 - Christel Hahn
By Christel Hahn, Newropeans Club Nucleus member: Physicist specialized in biophysics Europe and especially Germany has just witnessed one of the worst catastrophes of aviation, the crash of the Germanwings plane in the french Alps. The picture that is emerging is that the co-pilot of the plane was...
Let's interconnect Europe's political life - 31/03/2015 - Christel Hahn
Newropeans invites everybody who wants to work on interconnecting Europe's political life to an online meeting in the form of a video-conference on April 15th, 18.30. If you are interested, please send an email to vbaeyaert@newropeans.eu The European integration process has started from an economic...
Topic: The rise of non-institutional political parties in Europe Since the failure of European Constitution Project in 2005 and the Global Systemic Crisis of 2008, new political forces arised in most countries of Europe as traditional political parties failed to represent their citizens. ...
Flashback Franck Biancheri, 2008: Peace in Europe = EU + Social Security - 25/02/2015
"Thanks to European integration and generalization of social security systems, Europe has managed to avoid its traditional civil wars since 60 year." In these times of rising global economic and financial crisis, at a time when the French elites wallow in an americanist [1], ultra-liberal model,...
Syriza victory: The great democratic examination of the EU has arrived! - 04/02/2015
The victory of Syriza is the return of politics to Europe. Syriza victory: The great democratic examination of the EU[1] has arrived! The victory of Syriza is the return of politics to Europe. For the first time in many years, a non-institutional party wins an electoral victory[2]. And the...
Save the European Economy... Stop the sanctions! SIGN OUR PETITION! SIGNEZ NOTRE PETITION! FIRMAD NUESTRA PETICION! - 04/02/2015
STOP THE SANCTIONS ! NOW ! - ARRETEZ LES SANCTIONS ! MAINTENANT ! - STOPPT DIE SANKTIONEN! JETZT! - PAREN LAS SANCIONES! ¡AHORA! - PAREM AS SANCÕES! AGORA! - Чтобы спасти европейскую экономику - Стоп санкции ! Теперь ! - Spasite Europsku ekonomiju...Zaustavite sankcije! Sada! - SALVIAMO L’ECONOMIA...
Plea for a fresh start of the relations: We are losing Russia. - 03/02/2015 - Martin Hoffmann - English translation: Christel Hahn
By Martin Hoffmann in Der Tagesspiegel, 18/11/2014. He is Executive Director in the German-Russian Forum eV. End the sanctions! Russia needs to be again respected and accepted as a partner of the West. Russian citizens need to feel that they are welcome in Europe. A guest post. This is a...